Dear friends
Thank you for your prayers. I had a comfortable journey although no sleep on the flight. Arrived home in Lahore at 2.30am and slept for 5 hours.
Saturday morning we were up early so I could unpack one suitcase and repack for our road trip.
We were travelling in convoy with Pastor Naeem and Michael Kidd the evangelist from USA. I had been concerned about one of the tyres on our jeep. So as their van stopped at the services as we entered the motorway we pulled into the tyre shop to check the air pressure only to be told we had a slow puncture from a nail in the tire. Praise God we were able to get it repaired before continuing or journey.
It took 3 hours to reach out destination, a village near Pasrur. The last hour was on very rough roads that were probably made pre 1947 and had never been maintained since. Thank God the jeep has good suspension and springs in the drivers seat.
When we arrived the crowd was assembled and small girls standing with plates of rose petals waiting to shower the line of pastors who emerged from the van.
Hammad quickly changed his clothes and I sought out sanctuary and a bed under a fan as I desperately needed to sleep.
I awoke to a familiar song as Hammad and Lloyd had started performing in an open ground near the house I was resting in. I joined them on stage and sang the last song with them before Michael gave the address with Pastor Naeem translating. We had a wonderful time of ministry and prayed for many people for healing. I shared a word of knowledge for a young man with a kidney problem.
We eventually had lunch at 5pm and were on the road by 6pm headed for Islamabad. Little did we know we were so far away from the trunk road and it took 6 hours to reach our destination shortly after midnight. We are staying with Hammad’s nice Leah and her young family. After a lovely meal we slept soundly.
Sunday morning we were shocked to discover at 9.50am we were expected to lead worship in a church at 10am having thought it was an evening programme. Needless to say we arrived late. The stage was set in a small street with people sitting on the floor on both sides and in the small church hall. The worship was joyful and the welcome warm particularly when we were served breakfast after the service.

We are returning here tomorrow as Hammad is recording a song with the Pastor’s children.
Please do continue to pray for safety as we travel, for spirit filled worship and lives to be transformed. For us please pray for more sleep and some time to enjoy be together.