Dear Friends,
I’m almost packed and ready to fly off on Thursday 19th November at 0900 from Heathrow to Lahore, Pakistan via Doha. I would very much appreciate your prayers for a safe and comfortable flight. My back is good at the moment but I do get very stiff and have painful hip and knee joints if I sit too long in one position. I will be standing and moving around the plane as much as possible. Also please pray for my luggage that it all arrives at the same time that I do, as I have a one day turn around in Lahore before flying to Islamabad to join Hammad.
Here is the itinerary for the next couple of weeks:
- Friday 20th Nov – Sally arrives Lahore, Hammad playing concert in Jinnah Convention Centre, Islamabad organised by United Youth of All Churches (theme Nation catching the fire – watch live at
Saturday 21 Nov – Sally afternoon flight from Lahore to Islamabad to join Hammad at the Healing Conference and Worship in Islamabad Organised by Healing TV, sponsored by Rawalpindi Arts Council
- Sunday 22 Nov – Leading worship in church in G8 Islamabad in the morning and another church in the evening
- Mon – Thurs – a few days rest and holiday time together.
- Friday 27th Nov – Concert in Rawalpindi
Saturday 28th Nov – Yadah Praise II Carols of Christ Gospel Concert organised by Lamp Fellowship International Youth in Islamabad, supported by Rawalpindi Arts Council (Headline acts Hammad Baily and Crisma Band with Hanan Baily)
- Sunday 29th Nov – Leading worship at church in Muridkay Near Sheikhupura – 4 hours’ drive from Islamabad.
- Monday 30th Nov – Back in Lahore to spend time with Hammad’s parents.
- Tues 1st Dec – target for launch of new Christmas song video on Christian TV channels
- Other events to be confirmed later.
- Wed 9th December – Sally early morning flight from Lahore to London
- Thursday 10th December – Hammad concert in Riwand
- Friday 11th Dec – Hammad concert in Sialkot
Please do pray for our safety as we travel around in our Jeep and for security at the different venues we perform at. Also that the music will really touch the hearts of those who listen encouraging Christians, deepening their faith and their walk with God, and for those Muslims who are listening may they be touched by God’s love and show compassion to their Christian neighbours.