Still in Pakistan! I’ve just got back from Lahore airport which is Fog-bound. No flights leaving until 1pm later today. Will return to airport at 10am to see what flight I can get connecting in Doha and what time I will get back to Heathrow. Will be at least 10 hours’ delay which puts it at 11pm or midnight arriving in London.
Please pray that the fog clears quickly in the morning and the airport is not too congested, I’m expecting chaos when we go in the morning, well a bit more chaos than normal for Lahore airport! At least I get to sleep in my own bed for a few more hours before setting off again. Please pray for a good connection in Doha so that I’m not delayed any further.
Please pray for Hammad, he came back from the Singing Competition judging tonight with a high fever and flu symptoms. Please pray for a swift recovery as he only has one day rest before his next performance. Thank God he is not required on Wednesday evening meeting so he can rest, before Thursday’s show.