Dear friends

Dear friends
Dear friends
Hammad is safely home from Pakistan, Praise God, having had a wonderful visit to Shantinagar for the 100 years celebrations.
Shantinagar is a rural village established by the Salvation Army 100 years ago, surrounded by fertile land irrigated by one of the many canals carrying water to agricultural land in the Punjab region.
Hammad spent the day times visiting friends and relatives in the village, drinking chai and lassi and eating the famous jalabi sweets.
The first evening ‘Arise Youth’ concert was attended by 6,000 young people who had come in buses from across the whole region. It was a hot evening, everyone on stage and in the audience were wearing white shirts fulfilling a prophecy that had been received from a local lady saying she had seen a large gathering with a man singing in a white shirt and fire coming out of his body and healing people.
There was a real sense of God’s presence and much spiritual healing taking place during the evening. Hammad opened the concert with Mera Roma Roma (The Holy Spirit is in me) and then he sang Tera nagar, mera nagar Shantinagar (your house, my house, is a peace house) a song written by Mr Ziaul Masih an apologist from Shantinagar, which Hammad composed for this event. Video footage was shot by Imran Immi during the concert and around the village for the video of this song which will be released by Christmas.
The second evening was attended by 10,000 people, and despite having a sore throat from so much dust the previous evening, Hammad sang again for an hour, with Lloyd providing backing vocals and bass guitar.
The regular percussion team with Ashar on Tabla and Zeshan on Dholak were with Hammad for this tour, creating massive energy in the worship.
The two day events were organised by Pastor Naeem of Good Samaritan Ministries from Lahore.
We praise God for his organisation skills and his faithful preaching of the Word, distributing 2,000 bibles of spiritual food to the people and his generosity in paying the musicians.
Hammad is back in the UK for three weeks helping Sally with youth events at St Margaret’s church in Edgware during half term, starting a new music workshop with Living Way Ministries in Grahame Park near Edgware and preparing for Christmas concerts.
Thank you for your support and prayers during this time. Please continue to pray for Hammad’s mum as she battles daily with the pain of spreading cancer.
A big thank you to everyone who supported our Voice for Jesus concert at St Margaret’s Edgware on 1st October. We had a wonderful evening of worship and thanks to the generosity of supporters covered the cost of Hammad’s flight to attend the Centenary Celebrations in Shantingar this week. Here’s what one supporter said:
Hi Sally,
Last night was brilliant … thanks so much for letting us know it was on. It was fascinating to hear, in more detail, about all of yours and Hammad’s work in Pakistan. Apart from the wonderful message of faith and hope that you are spreading, you are also both exceptionally brave to stand up in an environment that can show such cruel hostility towards Christians. Amazing and humbling work. Looking at those pictures, Hammad seems like a cross between Billy Graham and Elvis Presley in Pakistan … he certainly is a magnet to the crowds…we will keep praying for him… Bless you Di
Please do pray for Hammad as he travels to Shantinagar – his ancestral village – and leads worship at the two day celebrations of 100 years since the village was established by the Salvation Army.
Please pray for safety for everyone attending these events and particularly for the speakers and worship leaders that God will speak through them to reach many people bringing the gospel alive.
We pray that the word of God will reach many in this rural area and lives will be transformed.
Come and enjoy an evening of multicultural worship with singing in English, Urdu and Polish. We will be giving an update on the situation for Christians in Pakistan and Hammad’s ministry plans for this season.
St Margaret’s is 5 minutes from Edgware Underground Station at the end of the Northern Line. Canon Park underground (Jubilee line) is also fairly close just a short bus ride away. If you are driving Edgware is well served with trunk road and motorways from the north sitting between the A5 Watling Street and A41 Watford bypass, close to Jn 4 on M1. There is plenty of parking in the shoppers car park on Station Road just by Iceland & Sainsbury’s. The first 1.5 hours is free then very reasonable charges up to 4 hours.
It’s week 2 in Edgware and God is doing amazing things already. On Monday this poster went up outside the church. On Wednesday we doubled the number attending the coffee morning albeit mostly with regular coffee morning attendees or church members.
Then on Friday as we spent the morning moving all the chairs back into place which had been moved for floor polishing, a young lady comes in asking to meet the new vicar. She is of Hindu background and feels called to Jesus. She lives in the area and saw the poster outside. We had a chat and have arranged to meet 1-1 next Wednesday to explore Christianity and what it means to follow Jesus. Praise God.
I left the church for an hour to visit the local funeral directors as I’m doing a funeral on Monday at Hendon Crematorium and needed to sort out the music for the service. When I got back to church I’m told I’ve just missed another lady who walked in to meet the new vicar as she felt called to give her life to Jesus. She was given our new weekly bulletin with my contact details and invited to come back on Sunday. She has already text me and we have arranged to meet up next Friday to talk about baptism preparation. She is hoping to come to church on Sunday as well. Praise God.
Thank you to everyone who has been praying for our ministry at St Margaret’s in Edgware, God is answering your prayers. Please do continue so that more and more people come to know Jesus and join the church family. Blessings, Sally
p.s. Our dog Xena enjoyed the morning running round the new church, checking the churchyard for squirrels as I litter-picked, and prayer walking to and from the Funeral Directors, as we explored our new parish.
Press Release –New lady vicar appointed in Edgware
On Monday 5th September Rev’d Sally Baily was licensed as Vicar of St Margaret’s in the Edgware Parish by Bishop Rob Wickham – the Bishop of Edmonton. Rev’d Baily, the first female Anglican Church leader in the Borough, was welcomed by the Mayor of Barnet – Councillor David Longstaff and the Deputy Lieutenant of Barnet Martin Russell.
The church was full to capacity as Rev’d Baily’s supporters from her former post in Chesham, as well as local church and community members joined together in joyful service of praise.
Bishop Rob commended the Mayor of Barnet for all the great work that he and his fellow councillors do for the local community and urged them to continue working closely with the churches in Edgware.
The Deputy Lieutenant drew attention to Rev’d Baily’s long career in the City of London and commercial experience which stood her in good stead to minister to those who commute from this area into the City or Docklands. In response Rev’d Baily said ‘I’m delighted to have moved to Edgware and am very excited at the prospect of working together with church members to share God’s love with the local community.”
See the London Diocesan website for the official press release
Sarah de Nordwall the acclaimed poet and story teller performed a poem commissioned for the event which is reproduced her with permission:
She brings worlds together
Not just to pray
but to dance
For there is prayer in dancing
Delight in the heart that hears the Father rejoicing
As he sings
Over his beloved daughter.
There is no one in this world who is not upon
His Jewelled Dance floor.
And she will lay gems at your feet
To remind you
How precious you are!
And your dance will go far..
Though you may need a business plan
Or a bass guitar.
She has many ways of helping you
To follow His star.
She brings worlds together
Not just to pray
But to build.
There is prayer in building
Delight in the hearts that hear the Father rejoicing
As he sings
Over his beloved people.
A communion where the edges are now at the centre
The hope-less are hope-filled
The left out can enter.
There is no one who is not upon
His jewelled dance floor.
She brings worlds together
Not just to pray but to thrive
There is prayer in thriving.
We come to the Spring
Where our hearts cease from striving
For He calls to east and west
That all are welcome to enter His rest.
She brings worlds together
through an open door.
There is no one who is not upon
His Jewelled Dance Floor.
Sarah de Nordwall 5th September 2015
For commissions and performances, workshops and creative retreat days for churches and colleges, businesses and special events just contact or visit 07849 641 899
Sally, Hammad, Lovisa and Sylvester from Chesham UK on mission in Sweden…
Performances at Free church in Vretstorp (ice cream Café) on Wednesday 3rd August – pictured above. Local residences including Swedish people, refugees from Syria and migrants from Afghanistan all enjoyed the music and sang along to Voice for Jesus songs.
Saturday 6th August playing at lakeside venue Talludden nr. Asbro. Worshiping in English, Swedish and Urdu, sharing stories of how Christian’s live in Pakistan and the Voice for Jesus ministry.
Sunday 7th August leading worship at Fylstakyrkan, Kulma morning service with Sally preaching and Lovisa translating into Swedish. In the evening performing at Ransbergs Kyrka near Tibro.
Please do pray for safety as we travel and for God to work in the hearts of all who attend these events that they will understand the gospel more and the challenges facing persecuted Christians in Pakistan.
We are delighted to announce that, having completed her curacy, Sally will be starting as Team Vicar of St Margaret’s Edgware in the London Diocese from the beginning of September. Her last Sunday at St Mary’s Chesham will be Sunday 21st August.
St Margaret’s is an evangelical, charismatic church in the multicultural parish of Edgware. This historic church sits on the High Street in the centre of the business/retail area, a stone’s throw from Edgware Underground station (end of the Northern Line) and bus station. It is a very exciting time for Sally to be joining the Edgware parish which consists of three churches including St Margaret’s. The team is led by Rev Paul Berry, who was the team vicar of St Andrew’s on the Broadfield Estate and has just become both the Rector for the team and Area Dean. The third church St Peter’s has just opened a purpose-built church and community centre on the regenerated Stonegrove Estate. The Bishop of Edmonton Rob Wickham announced Sally’s appointment to the Edgware parish at the opening of that new church on 3rd July 2016.
Reflecting on her time in Chesham Sally commented
‘Being part of a large team has provided me with great training opportunities and also helped me realise how much I value being part of a team. The role of team vicar at St Margaret’s will give me the challenge I’m looking for in leading a church into growth with the benefit of colleagues in the wider parish who have years’ experience of working in the Edgware. Hammad and I are both delighted that God has called us to a multicultural parish where all our gifts can be used to build the church and reach out to the community. We will both miss Chesham very much and particularly St Mary’s where we have found good friends, support and encouragement for our ministry and mission. A big thank you to Simon and the rest of the team from whom I have learnt a lot, and to everyone for their prayers and support during my search for the next big adventure with God.’
On Saturday 25th June we organised a Ladies engaging creative evening with Sarah de Nordwall – stand-up poet and story telling. Sarah performed many of her amusing thought-provoking poems, including Lipstick is a spiritual experience, weaved together with funny stories and anecdotes. Hammad provided musical accompaniment and backing vocal for Rest in Me – Sarah’s original composition which she hopes to record in Hammad’s studio this week.
The participants, from St Mary’s Church, Chesham were then encouraged to write to one of Sarah’s poems in response. This creative writing exercise produced some unexpected results with some reluctant ladies discovering an unknown talent. This was one of the responses:
Mosaic of Life by Sally Baily– inspired by Kintsukuroi
It’s amazing Lord, how you take our broken pieces and mend them with your light.
All those things we think are mistakes that you weave into our story to make us stronger.
Broken hearts
Broken limbs
Broken reputations
Broken dreams
Exams failed
Goals missed
all these become beautiful pieces of the mosaic of my life –
not scars but patterns of life that make up the whole,
that shape my personality,
that give me stories to tell, that inspire others;
hurts that have healed
mistakes that have been redeemed,
new God-focussed goals to replace those self-focussed goals;
reputation, built not on my achievements, but on your grace and mercy;
new dreams, not limited by my capacity to achieve, but based on your limitless capacity for fun and adventure.
I probably couldn’t have got to this place in my life without those broken things that you have mended, without those trials to overcome with your help Lord – Thank you.
‘Dare to dream’ you said to me years ago and look where we are now!
Feedback from the evening was very positive with comments such as:
- I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed Saturday evening with Sarah – I came home feeling exhilarated!
- Just a note to thank you and Hannah very much indeed for all the hard work you both put into making last night’s Ladies Event so successful and enjoyable. Special thanks to Hammad too for all he contributed and his sensitive accompaniment to Sarah’s song. Sarah’s positive approach and enthusiasm was contagious and on our table (the naughty one!) everyone really enjoyed the time, and surprised themselves with what they were able to create. Thanks too for the delicious desserts and drinks.
To find out more about Sarah and her amazing work around the world visit her website